31 research outputs found

    Enumeration of Directed Column-Convex Animals with a Given Perimeter and Area

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    We give exact formulae for the number of directed column-convex animals with a given bond perimeter and area. The proof is based upon bijections and combinatorics related to the algebraic language theory

    A heuristic for the retrieval of objects in low resolution video

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    International audienceIn this paper, we tackle the problem of matching of objects in video in the context of the rough indexing paradigm. In this context, the video data are of very low resolution and segmentation is consequently inaccurate. The region features (texture, color, shape) are not strongly relevant due to the resolution. The structure of the objects must be considered in order to improve the robustness of the matching of regions. Indeed, the problem of object matching can be expressed in terms of directed acyclic graph (DAG) matching. Here, we propose a method based on a heuristic in order to approach object matching. The results are compared with those of a method based on relaxation matching

    Recherche de motifs quasi-similaires dans des graphes

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    National audienceNous décrivons un algorithme basé sur des métriques intrinsèques de graphes permettant de découvrir des motifs communs et similaires entre plu- sieurs graphes. Nous montrons des applications à la recherche d?image dans une collection et à l?interprétation de données géographique

    Développement de méthodes bioinformatiques dédiées à la prédiction et l'analyse des réseaux métaboliques et des ARN non codants

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    L'identification des interactions survenant au niveau moléculaire joue un rôle crucial pour la compréhension du vivant. L'objectif de ce travail a consisté à développer des méthodes permettant de modéliser et de prédire ces interactions pour le métabolisme et la régulation de la transcription. Nous nous sommes basés pour cela sur la modélisation de ces systèmes sous la forme de graphes et d'automates. Nous avons dans un premier temps développé une méthode permettant de tester et de prédire la distribution du flux au sein d'un réseau métabolique en permettant la formulation d'une à plusieurs contraintes. Nous montrons que la prise en compte des données biologiques par cette méthode permet de mieux reproduire certains phénotypes observés in vivo pour notre modèle d'étude du métabolisme énergétique du parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Les résultats obtenus ont ainsi permis de fournir des éléments d'explication pour comprendre la flexibilité du flux de ce métabolisme, qui étaient cohérentes avec les données expérimentales. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à une catégorie particulière d'ARN non codants appelés sRNAs, qui sont impliqués dans la régulation de la réponse cellulaire aux variations environnementales. Nous avons développé une approche permettant de mieux prédire les interactions qu'ils effectuent avec d'autres ARN en nous basant sur une prédiction des interactions, une analyse par enrichissement du contexte biologique de ces cibles, et en développant un système de visualisation spécialement adapté à la manipulation de ces données. Nous avons appliqué notre méthode pour l'étude des sRNAs de la bactérie Escherichia coli. Les prédictions réalisées sont apparues être en accord avec les données expérimentales disponibles, et ont permis de proposer plusieurs nouvelles cibles candidates.The identification of the interactions occurring at the molecular level is crucial to understand the life process. The aim of this work was to develop methods to model and to predict these interactions for the metabolism and the regulation of transcription. We modeled these systems by graphs and automata.Firstly, we developed a method to test and to predict the flux distribution in a metabolic network, which consider the formulation of several constraints. We showed that this method can better mimic the in vivo phenotype of the energy metabolism of the parasite Trypanosoma brucei. The results enabled to provide a good explanation of the metabolic flux flexibility, which were consistent with the experimental data. Secondly, we have considered a particular class of non-coding RNAs called sRNAs, which are involved in the regulation of the cellular response to environmental changes. We developed an approach to better predict their interactions with other RNAs based on the interaction prediction, an enrichment analysis, and by developing a visualization system adapted to the manipulation of these data. We applied our method to the study of the sRNAs interactions within the bacteria Escherichia coli. The predictions were in agreement with the available experimental data, and helped to propose several new target candidates.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    TULIP 4

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    Tulip is an information visualization framework dedicated to the analysis and visualization of relational data. Based on more than 15 years of research and development, Tulip is built on a suite of tools and techniques , that can be used to address a large variety of domain-specific problems. With Tulip, we aim to provide Python and/or C++ developers a complete library, supporting the design of interactive information visualization applications for relational data, that can be customized to address a wide range of visualization problems. In its current iteration, Tulip enables the development of algorithms, visual encodings, interaction techniques, data models, and domain-specific visualizations. This development pipeline makes the framework efficient for creating research prototypes as well as developing end-user applications. The recent addition of a complete Python programming layer wraps up Tulip as an ideal tool for fast prototyping and treatment automation, allowing to focus on problem solving, and as a great system for teaching purposes at all education levels

    The Tulip 3 Framework: A Scalable Software Library for Information Visualization Applications Based on Relational Data

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    Tulip is an information visualization framework dedicated to the analysis and visualization of relational data. Based on a decade of research and development of this framework, we present the architecture, consisting of a suite of tools and techniques, that can be used to address a large variety of domain-specific problems. With Tulip, we aim to provide the developer with a complete library, supporting the design of interactive information visualization applications for relational data that can be tailored to the problems he or she is addressing. The current framework enables the development of algorithms, visual encodings, interaction techniques, data models, and domain-specific visualizations. The software model facilitates the reuse of components and allows the developers to focus on programming their application. This development pipeline makes the framework efficient for research prototyping as well as the development of end-user applications

    Combinatorics-- Combinatorial algorithm

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    This paper presents a piece of software for the visualization or navigation in trees. It allows some operations as comparison between trees or finding common subtrees. It means a presentation of common things with same colors. Overall implemented tools are strongly based on intrinsic combinatorial parameters with as few references as possible to syntactical data

    Intégration à la norme OpenMath d'objets mathématiques discrets dessinés /par Augustin Ido

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    BORDEAUX1-BU Sciences-Talence (335222101) / SudocSudocFranceF